02 Furniker – Construction Site 03 Barbarossa Umtrunk - Nous Sommes en Guerre 04 Zorya Legionis - Occisionis 05 Primordial Avantgarde - Rainbow Daesh 06 Trèfle Noir – Larmes de Sang 07 Nors'Klh - MO?ST?E[S] 08 Dolorism - In Remembrance of Chokmah 09 SxTxAxLxKxExR – Fracture[s] 10 Auswalht - Climate of Terror 11 Front Sonore - Requiem for Paris 12 No Way Out – The Altar of Sacrifice 13 Regard Extreme - Chimères 14 Le Silence des Ruines – Le coeur en sang 15 Life’s Decay – Setesquel 16 Pale Roses – Golgotha (J.Todhunter) | |
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TELECHARGEMENT DOWNLOAD | http://www.mediafire.com/download/91qsee0mdy70kft/CP+-+108+-+++Priez+pour+Paris.rar |
interwiew TREFLE NOIR |
Alexandra Nordrac is going to present her solo act, Trèfle Noir, live at the ETOR Fest, taking place between 6th-8th May at Death Disco. On this occasion, she gave Last Day Deaf the following interview. Hello, Alexandra. Trèfle Noir is your personal new project. What has driven you to start something of your own besides Liyr? My collaboration with Sven in Liyr made me want to go further. I like writing texts and putting my voice on his compositions. We are complementary in music as in life. However, it was necessary for me to go further; I need more, I need to create my own compositions, express myself in a world apart that looks like me, a dark and poetic universe. Then it took me a while to learn and master the use of music creation software. Fortunately Sven was there to help me and, early 2015, I completed my first tracks. How did you come up with the name Trèfle Noir (Black Clover), is there a certain symbolism or meaning behind this? In Celtic mythology, a clover with three leaves refers to the mother goddess Brigit, the patron of druids and bards. As I said, my world is dark and poetic, scary and full of emotion. My lyrics are inspired by 19th century French dark poetry with texts which lead through the maze of death, the afterlife, witchcraft and madness, legends, playing with melancholy on the opposition between good and evil, between light and darkness. And I thought that the black clover symbolizes this universe perfectly- and then the clover is a lucky charm! Why did you choose ‘Amour d’Hopital’ to be the first official listening experience of Trèfle Noir? Is there any special story about this song? It’s true that this very creepy text marked me a lot. It’s the story of a sadistic nurse with the face of an angel who revels in suffering. I chose it because it shows malaise and anxiety that give intensity to the track. It was my first track and I was eager to get feedback Are you planning a release soon? I must say your work is really cool and should be officially released. Oh thank you! My first album is finished; it should be released on Rage in Eden label, before the end of this year. I’m already working on a second album. Your work reminded me a bit of Elend at some points- maybe because of the French language? What are your influences? It’s hard to answer this question; maybe Aghast, and the first experimental works of Virgin Prunes and Legendary Pink Dots, and, perhaps unconsciously, the work of Sven. How is living & creating in France, after the November tragic events? Do you believe that your life and specifically art can/should be affected in any way? It’s terrible what happened in France but what is even more terrible is what happens every day in the world- all the cruelty, violence, and suffering. All that affects me; it’s sad. I participated in a French compilation Priez pour Paris with the song ‘Larmes de Sang‘ that denounces violence in France and the world in general. It was my tribute to all the innocent victims all over the world. Which 3 items would you want to have on a desert island? Give me a film, a book and an album. Hard to choose! The film would be El laberinto del fauno, the book would be The Lord Of The Rings and all Rosa Crux albums! So, will the appearance in Etor’s Tenebrae de Profundis festival in Athens be the first on stage appearance for Trèfle Noir or not? Yes it will be the first! I’m already excited about doing my first gig in a great festival with all these great bands! And, if my first album gets released as planned, it will be a really great year for me! Anastasia Andread |
http://lastdaydeaf.com/trefle-noir/ |